Low vision aids Unit
Low vision aids Unit – A specialized clinic concerned with the management of patients with low vision quality which does not improve with normal glasses, and fulfilling their needs for far and near better vision by means of equipment that differs according to the needs of each patient and the nature of his condition
The clinic is loaded with many high tech solutions for patients with wide varieties of options.
The history provides many essential details about the patient’s response to loss of vision. Adjustment to a recent vision loss may require counseling and introduction of a change in lifestyle. Not everyone accepts such a loss immediately, but, with vision rehabilitation and introduction of new skills,
most people eventually learn to modify their customary activities with the use of optical and nonoptical aids. Some individuals are content to be able to read hockey scores and manage their shopping and personal mail, whereas for others reading may play a much larger part in their daily life, whether for personal pleasure or for earning a living.