Eye Care Center, Cairo, Egypt

Why Eye Care?

Because we care

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Surgery Room, Eye Care Center, Cairo, Egypt

Because We Care

Highly Qualified Doctors.

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Eye Care Consultants, Eye Care Center, Cairo, Egypt

Because we care

Medical excellence every day.

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Fully Equipped Hospital, Eye Care Center, Cairo, Egypt

Because we care

The Hospital of the Future, Today

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Eye Care Hospital, Eye Care Center, Cairo, Egypt

Because We Care

Providing an Exceptional
Patient Experience

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Scan Services

Latest technologies and innovations in eye investigations are integrated in this unit, The investigation procedures at Eye Scan take a deeper look into every part of the eye

Emergency Help

The Eye Care Center is well prepared and equipped to deal very well with emergency eye situations as the Eye Care team is well trained and the facility is well equipped and prepared to deal with eye emergencies, with consultants in all ophthalmic fields and anesthesia consultants to deal with any an injury.

Medical professionals

We bring together the highest levels of integrity and professionalism with state-of-the-art eye surgery techniques and top-notch sanitary measures to guarantee your wellbeing.

Qualified Doctors

We strive to consistently meet and exceed the service and patient-care expectations of our clients. We do so by working with the finest calibers of doctors who are part of our team.

We offer you a reservation service through the application

To download the Eye Care mobile application.

To make an appointment


What Our Clients Say

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Have some Questions?

The working hours at the Eye Care Center are:

From 9 am to 10 pm at the eye care center. (Clinics)
And from 9 am till 9 pm at the Eye Scan.
(Eye Investigations)

And as for setting an appointment, you have many options:

  1. You can call us at 01000015004 or 01000020211
  2. Or send us a message via what’s app
  3. Or send us a message via the facebook messenger at our facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/EyeCareCenter.Egypt/
  4. Or via our mobile application: http://www.eyecare-center.com/EyeCare.apk
  5. Or via the reservation page: http://eyecarebooking.com/

The LASIK surgery is an alternative to the glasses and contact lenses, so if your vision before the LASIK surgery is 6/6 then after LASIK you will get a 6/6 vision after LASIK, but some patients before LASIK surgery suffer from a condition called amblyopia or lazy eye at which vision doesn’t reach 6/6 even with the perfect glasses or contact lenses so after LASIK surgery they will get the same glasses corrected visual acuity as before the LASIK.

During pregnancy changes happens in all body organs, the eye is one of the affected organs and this effect appears as defective vision specially far vision, fortunately  vision returns back to its normal stat after delivery, complete ophthalmic examination including funds examination is recommended specially if your blood pressure is elevated during pregnancy.

Diabetic patients should do routine full eye and retinal examination every 1 year maximally as regard stable diabetic condition , and that is to avoid any unnoticeable retinal changes caused by the diabetes as treating this changes as early as possible gives much better outcome.

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